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Robert Downey Jr joins Captain America 3 confirming outbreak of Civil War!

Contains major spoilers for the ten Marvel films so far

Having hit their stride pre-Avengers, Marvel Studios’ second phase has taken the franchise to new heights and they’ve given themselves plenty of room to launch from: having dispatched of Odin, Loki’s return will undoubtedly cause mischief; Cap’, Black Widow, Fury and Hill have left the imploding SHIELD to Coulson and co to rebuild; Daredevil will soon encounter Iron Fist and Luke Cage; HYDRA, in possession of Loki’s staff, and Arnim Zola’s return spells trouble; Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Wasp, Falcon and Vision will succeed as the teams core members; Guardians of the Galaxy introduced a barely glimpsed interstellar vibe to the Marvel Universe all the while Thanos is collecting those mysterious Infinity Stones.

This may come across as way to much to fit in but Marvel still have all the time in the world. The great thing is that they can produce a wide range of stories at different scales. Daredevil can be battling regular gangsters while a talking tree embarks on intergalactic mayhem without either losing audience interest. Captain America: The Winter Soldier proved that Marvel can still rock even deprived of its more fantastical antics. Captain America 3 has long been confirmed in the schedule with Chris Evans signed on to star and director Anthony and Joe Russo directing once more but today’s announcement changed everything.

Robert Downey Jr, better know as the actor portraying Tony Stark/Iron Man, is reportedly signing on for Cap’ 3. This came with the confirmation that the sequel will be adapting the brilliant Civil War series.

Civil War

In one of the more tragic storylines, this crossover event divides the superhero world into those who oppose or enforce the recently implemented Superhuman Registration Act which forces every hero to give up their identity. The sides are led by Captain America and Iron Man respectively. The problem with adapting it is that the series is more of a saga. Around fifty major characters get involved in some way and the current MCU don’t have the rights to all of them. Obviously there’s Fantastic Four and the X-Men but individuals such as Spider-Man, Namor and Punisher greatly affect the story.

The worry is that the narrative won’t function without them but I think it can be overcome. During the series, the X-Men, although they were requested to weigh in, kept their distance. Quite major adjustments may have to be inflicted on the beloved work to eliminate the likes of the FF, some of whom are crucial, and Spider-Man.

Through gathering various bits of information we can see how this links up with other reports. Downey Jr has made differing statements about the potential project of Iron Man 4, sometimes claiming that its done or that he’s up for it. When he recently let slip that it was in development he was likely referring to this. This is still contradictory to the rumour that Hawkeye will be cropping up. Another key hazard is that by piling in team members in there’ll be no distinction between this and The Avengers 3 but if it includes only a few of the group in central roles then we ought to be fine. Keep the focus on it being a Rogers/Stark crossover. The Guardians better not get involved just yet.

Tell us any hopes or fears for the film as well as your suggestion for a title. Current favourites: Civil War and Fallen Son. Key players in the future Marvel Universe include Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Samuel L Jackson (Nick Fury), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Charlie Cox (Daredevil), Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Evangeline Lilly (Wasp), Michael Douglas (Hank Pym), Corey Stoll (Yellowjacket), Paul Bettany (Vision), Aaron Taylor Johnson (Quicksilver), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts), Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson), Cobie Smulders (Agent Hill), Chris Pratt (Star Lord), Bradley Cooper (Rocket), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Vin Diesel (Groot), Dave Bautista (Drax), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier), Toby Jones (Arnim Zola), Thomas Kretschmann (Baron Von Strucker), Natalie Portman (Jane Foster), Stellan Skarsgard (Erik Selvig), Anthony Hopkins (Odin), Benicio Del Toro (Collector), James Spader (Ultron), Josh Brolin (Thanos), Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and not Joaquin Phoenix (not Doctor Strange).

Captain America: Civil War? – April 29th 2016

Deadpool confirmed as part of X-Men universe, new Hobbit poster and Michael Gambon joins Paddington

Deadpool leaked test footage Deadpool Will Be Part of Foxs X Men Movie Universe

Deadpool made a mediocre introduction in the vastly disappointing prequel X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Five years on, the persistence of star Ryan Reynolds (Safe House) has finally got the project greenlit for a 2016 release, just before studio tentpole X-Men: Apocalypse. When asked about whether Deadpool will still be part of the main series, producer/writer Simon Kinberg explained that “There’s definitely a sort of overall plan that we’ve all been talking about for the X-Men universe now, and Deadpool obviously fits into that.

“I guess I would say it’s part of certainly an overall timeline and the thought process that goes into these films, some of which is inspired by the comics and some of which is inspired by seeing what Marvel’s done with telling a larger tapestry and linking all those movies together, even as they stand independently, as well. The same kind of thought is going to go into these X-Men movies at Fox.” Tim Miller directs.

Harry Potter producer David Heyman is behind the new adaptation of Michael Bond’s Paddington. He’s now added to his stellar cast with two HP stars. Michael Gambon (Gosford Park), who played Professor Dumbledore, and Imelda Staunton (Vera Drake), who played Professor Umbridge, have been cast as the voices of Paddington’s Uncle Pastuzo and Aunt Lucy. They join the the ensemble of Ben Whishaw (Cloud Atlas), Nicole Kidman (The Hours), Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey), Sally Hawkins (Blue Jasmine), Peter Capaldi (The Thick of It), Julie Walters (Billy Elliot) and Jim Broadbent (Iris, Topsy Turvy, Hot Fuzz).

This Christmas Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings, Heavenly Creatures, The Lovely Bones, King Kong) concludes his Hobbit trilogy with The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. A new poster has been released today. The film stars Martin Freeman (Fargo), Ian McKellen (X-Men), Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth), Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), Hugo Weaving (The Matrix), Richard Armitage (Into the Storm), Luke Evans (Fast and Furious 6), Evangeline Lilly (Lost), Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean), Sylvester McCoy (Doctor Who), James Nesbitt (Millions), Ken Stott (Shallow Grave), Lee Pace (Guardians of the Galaxy), Ian Holm (Time Bandits) and Christopher Lee (Dracula).

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – December 12th

Paddington – November 28th

Deadpool – February 12th 2016

Brand new set pic from Batman vs Superman and new poster for Secret Service

There’s little to do today other than to unveil a couple of very exciting new pics. First off, we’ve got our hands on the first poster for Matthew Vaughn’s (Kick Ass, Layer Cake, Stardust, X-Men: First Class) new action thriller, formerly known as The Secret Service. The film has now been updated with a new extended title (Kingsman: The Secret Service) and teaser poster for your entertainment. It’ll star Colin Firth (The King’s Speech, A Single Man), Samuel L Jackson (The Avengers, Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained), Taron Egerton (The Smoke), Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes, Zero Dark Thirty) and Michael Caine (The Dark Knight, The Italian Job, Alfie).


As well as this, we’ve got a fresh on-set pic from Zack Snyder’s (Watchmen, 300, Man of Steel) DC mash up Batman vs. Superman, starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Gal Gadot, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter, Ray Fisher, Tao Okamoto and Laurence Fishburne. This still seems to be hinting at The Joker but I doubt that he’d return so soon after Heath Ledger’s Oscar winning, and sadly posthumous, performance in the role in 2008’s The Dark Knight. We’ll let you make your own mind up.

Joker Card

Batman vs. Superman – April 29th 2016

Kingsman: The Secret Service – October 17th

Watch the first Interstellar trailer and find out the new Terminator’s title and star

Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Casey Affleck, Topher Grace, Mackenzie Foy, Wes Bentley, John Lithgow and David Oyelowo make up the key cast of the Interstellar, the new sci-fi from Christopher Nolan (director of The Dark Knight trilogy, The Prestige, Inception, Memento). However, the lead star Matthew McConaughey is the only one to feature in the brand new trailer. I’d say it’s more of a mood piece rather than an actual teaser as it features very little original footage of the film but that’s understandable as there’s nearly another year until the release of one from this century’s sci-fi greats.

Finally, we move onto the new instalment of a sci-fi thriller franchise which started off with two brilliant adventures directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in his most iconic role. The ensuing sequels titled Rise of the Machines and Salvation fell short of the original two’s brilliance due to lacking directors, namely Jonathan Mostow and McG. Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World) is much more talented and is on board for the fifth chapter which is now titled Terminator: Genesis.

And that’s not all; they’ve finally confirmed that Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones’ Daernerys) will play the lead role of Kate Connor, beating the likes of Brie Larson and Margot Robbie, while we recently reported that Jason Clarke (The Great Gatsby) was in talks to play her future son John. Genesis hints at a plot taking place at the beginning of Skynet’s rule over the humans and their resistance, so it’s after Terminators 1, 2 and Rise of the Machines but before the post-Judgement Day era of Salvation.

Terminator: Genesis – July 1st 2015

Interstellar – November 7th 2014

Mad Max: Fury Road gets release date, new How To Train Your Dragon poster and Doctor Who special begins

You of coarse know the incredible list of films coming out in 2015: The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Jurassic World, Batman vs. Superman, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2, Fifty Shades of Grey, Star Wars: Episode VII, Assassin’s Creed, Terminator, Tomorrowland, Cinderella, The Fantastic Four, Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur, Crimson Peak, Warcraft, Bond 24, Mission: Impossible 5, Kung Fu Panda 3, Ted 2, Frankenstein, Chappie, Gods of Egypt, Alice in Wonderland 2, The Secret Service, Silent, Queen of the Desert, The White Circus, Triple Nine, Susan Cooper, The Penguins of Madagascar, The Adventures of Tintin: Red Rackham’s Treasure, Candy Store, While We’re Young, Bureau of Otherworldly Operations and American Sniper.

The new reboot of the Mel Gibson adventure trilogy Mad Max stars Tom Hardy and will be directed by the original’s George Miller. Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Rosie Huntington Whitley, Zoe Kravitz and Josh Helman will be joining Hardy on May 15th 2015.

We’ve also got the new epic poster for animated adventure sequel How to Train Your Dragon 2. Dean DeBlois takes over directing this time and Jay Baruchel, Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, Cate Blanchett and Gerard Butler all star.

We do know that this week is Doctor Who’s incredible 50th anniversary. We haven’t had a huge income of Day of the Doctor news so we thought we’d make up for that with a couple of Who nicities around the web. First, there’s an excellent guide to the Doctors on Empire as well as the ever brilliant How It Should Have Ended team have animated a couple of excellent vids including How Doomsday Should Have Ended and The Eleventh Doctor makes a visit to HISHE’s mini-series Super Cafe.

This weekend, we hope to review the new TV movie An Adventure In Space and Time telling the tale of the BBC’s creating of Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor, the epic anniversary special starring Matt Smith, David Tennant, Billie Piper, Jenna Coleman and the special guest star Sir John Hurt, plus The Hunger Games: Catching Fire but that may overrun into Monday. This, as well as your usual box-office results, will make up your great Doctor Who weekend.

Mad Max: Fury Road – May 15th 2015

How to Train Your Dragon 2 – July 4th 2014

The Day of the Doctor – November 23rd on BBC One

Assassin Creed and Fantastic Four releases announced, Temple Run film confirmed and new Maleficent trailer and poster

2015 is going to be one huge year for movies. Finding Dory, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Independence Day 2 and Star Trek 3 have had to pull out to 2016Batman vs. Superman (17th July), The Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st), Star Wars: Episode VII (December 18th), Ant-Man (July 31st), Chappie (March 27th), Jurassic World (June 12th), Warcraft (December 18th), The Good Dinosaur (November 15th), The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 (November 20th), Cinderella (March 13th) and, potentially, Terminator (July 1st), Legend of Conan and Bond 24 (October 23rd). The Hobbit, Angry Birds, Avatar and The Amazing Spiderman will be glad that their just skimming over, or under, it.

Fox have shuffled their 2015 releases quite a bit too. In a domino effect, Matthew Vaughn’s Colin Firth and Samuel L Jackson starring thriller The Secret Service has gone into the place previously held by Josh Trank’s The Fantastic Four, March 6th. The latter now will be going head to head with Pixar’s Inside Out on June 19th. That used to belong to the Michael Fassbender starring video game adaptation Assassin’s Creed has rolled into August 7th seeing as it’s yet to find a director. Fox also moved comedy Susan Cooper, directed by Paul Feig and starring Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham and Rose Byrne, to May 22nd, putting it up against Brad Bird/George Clooney sci-fi adventure Tomorrowland.

So many mobile apps have been huge successes; Jetpack Joyride, The Impossible Game and Fruit Ninja are the stuff of legend. Angry Birds is scheduled for a 2016 release and, besides that, it’s hard to think of a film or franchise inspired by the Appstore antics of a mobile game. Warner Bros, however, reckon that they can make the box office goods with an adaptation of Temple Run.

The game sees your everyday adventurer nicking an idol from an Incan temple and he must escape along a precarious pathway from three vengeful demon monkeys. The sequel, cleverly entitled Temple Run 2, evolved into something more oriental with rivers and mines being introduced. It also spawned the film themed spin-offs Temple Run: Brave (you play as Princess Merida in a more dark foresty mood) and Temple Run: Oz (a tie in of the fantasy prequel Oz: The Great and Powerful). If the you think the production sounds like a novelty one, take in mind that David Heyman, producer of Harry Potter, Gravity and I am Legend, is linked to this one.

Finally, a full trailer for the new Angelina Jolie epic Maleficent is online. The film’s plot boils down to a very different retelling of Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. In this reincarnation, the tale is more centred around it’s truly menacing villain. Maleficent concocts an evil plan to trap the young Aurora (Elle Fanning). This is Robert Stromberg’s directorial debut but he worked on the visual effects of Life of Pi, The Hunger Games, Pan’s Labyrinth and Pirates of Caribbean. It also stars Sharlto Copley, Peter Capaldi, Juno Temple, Imelda Staunton, Mirand Richardson, Lesley Manville and Sam Riley. Here’s the new poster:

Assassin Creed – August 7th 2015

The Secret Service – March 6th 2015

The Fantastic Four – June 19th 2015

Susan Cooper – May 22nd 2015

Temple Run – 2016?

Maleficent – May 30th 2014

New trailers for Non-Stop and Grand Budapest Hotel, Hobbit 2 banner and Roberts joins Jump Street sequel

21 Jump Street originally started with Johnny Depp’s crime thriller TV series which sees his undercover cop character tackling youth crime. Last year, it was given a comedic revamp for cinema by directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs) and stars Channing Tatum (White House Down, Magic Mike) and Jonah Hill (Superbad, Moneyball) to a critically successful degree. Lord, Miller, Hill and Tatum are all set to return for the sequel 22 Jump Street which just acquired Craig Roberts.

He was the lead star of Richard Ayoade’s recent comedy Submarine and was John Reed in Cary Fukanga’s adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. He’s set to star in the cop sequel, which sees the lead duo of Jenko and Schmidt infiltrating a drug ring within the local college’s frat, but no definite statement has been made to confirm his position in the film. If he does accepts, he’ll join Ice Cube (Boyz n the Hood), Wyatt Russell (Cowboys and Aliens), Jillian Bell (The Master), Jimmy Tatro (Life According to Jimmy) and Amber Stevens (Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift). 

Next, we’ve got an awesome new banner for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Peter Jackson’s sequel to the prequel, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, of the classic The Lord of the Rings trilogy) which shows off it’s many stars, including (on this poster) Ian McKellen (X-Men), Sylvester McCoy (Doctor Who), Evangeline Lilly (Lost), Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean), Lee Pace (Lincoln), Martin Freeman (Sherlock), Aidan Turner (Being Human), Richard Armitage (Captain America: The First Avenger), Dean O’ Gorman (Young Hercules) and Luke Evans (Fast and Furious 6). We’re not putting the picture itself here because it’s huge but you can see it at the link here.

To finish off, we’ve got some new trailers for two upcoming movie projects. The first features Liam Neeson (Taken, Batman Begins, Schindler’s List, Star Wars) in a brand new thriller. Non-Stop sees him as an air marshal called Bill Marks on a regular international flight who receives a texted threat from a yet unrevealed passenger saying that a person will be killed every 20 minutes unless a ransom is paid. Julianne Moore (The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Magnolia), Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey, The Hogfather) and Anson Mount (Hell on Wheels, In Her Shoes) make up the supporting cast for director Jaume Collet-Serra who made Unknown and Orphan. Watch the trailer here.

The second is for The Grand Budapest Hotel. Wes Anderson (Moonrise Kingdom, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rushmore) directs this new surreal comedy film which has plenty of stars to excite you. Ralph Fiennes (Harry Potter, The English Patient) and Saorise Ronan (The Lovely Bones) are the lead stars while Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man), Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes), Edward Norton (The Illusionist), Owen Wilson (Midnight in Paris), Adrien Brody (The Pianist), Tilda Swinton (We Need to Talk About Kevin) and Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, Independence Day, The Fly) make up the supporting cast and, of coarse, no Wes Anderson film would be complete without Bill Murray. The Groundhog Day and Ghostbusters star will play a mysterious character called M. Ivan.

Non-Stop – February 28th 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel – early 2014

22 Jump Street – June 6th 2014

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug – December 13th

Hugh Jackman joins Chappie, Toy Story of Terror pic, Rosamund Pike joins Thunderbirds and Hunger Games 2 poster

We’ve just got a few of brief news snippets today. Don’t be confused by today’s title. There’s not going to be a fourth Toy Story film but Pixar are making a seasonal animated short-film. It’ll be similar to the Toy Story Toons series but will be longer (perhaps about fifteen minutes). Dreamworks Animation have been successful in this format with Merry Madagascar, Shrek the Halls and Scared Shrekless. Toy Story of Terror is a Halloween themed story with the trilogy’s original stars (Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Michael Keaton, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Jodi Benson, Emily Hahn, Blake Clark, Kristen Schall, Timothy Dalton and others). A new character that’s going to be introduced is Combat Carl. He’s voiced by Carl Weathers (Apollo Creed in Rocky, Predator) and is a He-man esque action toy who arrives on the night that the home of the toys loses power and various supernatural occurrences begin to take place. Combat Carl has been unveiled in a new photo which we give to you alongside another still from the film as well a poster.

'Toy Story of Terror' poster

Hugh Jackman is certainly one of the finest actors of our generation. He’s loved for both his portrayal of Wolverine in Marvel’s blockbuster superhero adventure series X-Men as well as award nominating roles in Les Miserables and The Prestige. He’s currently promoting his new hostage thriller Prisoners (where he stars with Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo and Paul Dano) but his major news is that he’s joined sci-fi comedy Chappie. Neil Blomkamp (Elysium, District 9) directs the film that stars his regular stars Sharlto Copley and Brandon Auret plus Jose Pablo Cantillo (Crank, The Manchurian Candidate).

“I am doing a role in Neill’s new film, called Chappie, which we shoot in Johannesburg,” Jackman tells Screen International. “I’m there for a couple of weeks at the beginning of next year.” The plot sees Copley voicing an android called Chappie who’s captured by two gangsters intent on using him for criminal purposes. After massive hits with District 9 and Elysium, Chappie could confirm Neill Blomkamp as one of the modern sc-fi greats alongside Christopher Nolan or the Wachowskis.

Interestingly, Rosamund Pike as joined the cast of a major project. She was a bond girl in Die Another Day, an English girl in Johnny English: Reborn and supported leads like Sam Worthington (Wrath of the Titans), Bruce Willis (Surrogates) and Tom Cruise (Jack Reacher). She’s now set to play the classic puppet character Lady Penelope in Thunderbirds Are Go. Weta Workshop, best known for work on Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy. ITV are planning a series that’ll blend Weta’s CG and live-action models for Rob Hoegee’s scripts.

We’ve got our hands for November’s huge release. It’s The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Jennifer Lawrence is the sole star of the new poster which has the chilling message “Remember who the enemy is” scrawled across the top. There’s just about a month and a half to go until director Francis Lawrence’s epic action hits the screens and the 75th Quarter Quell will play out on film.

Toy Story of Terror – October 16th on Sky Movies Disney

Chappie – March 27th 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go – 2015 on ITV

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – November 21st

New Hunger Games 2 pics and castings and Thor 2 posters

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is one of the biggest releases of the rest of this year. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Lenny Kravitz, Donald Sutherland, Willow Shields, Stanley Tucci, Toby Jones and Elizabeth Banks are all returning for, perhaps, the year’s biggest sequel with a whole load of new recruits, including Sam Clafin, Jena Malone Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffery Wright, Lynn Cohen, Amanda Plummer, Elena Sanchez and many more for the incredible spectacle that is the 75th Annual Hunger Games that celebrates it’s anniversary with the revamped arena and a new twist that makes the Third Quarter Quell the biggest yet! The film’s likely to do better than any of the Twilight films, seeing as The Hunger Games managed well over $600 million dollars, and this year’s young adult flops Beautiful Creatures, The Host and The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. A new photo gallery has been released online for the film and it shows off practically all of it’s stars.

Here’s the gallery itself, courtesy of Empire (click next to cycle through the photos). This comes with the announcements of two stars for next year’s sequel Mockingjay – Part 1. Those that want to stay spoiler free of the next few films may not want to read the next paragraph.

There’ll be a trio of female leaders of the rebellious districts. We already know that 4 time Oscar nominee Julianne Moore would play the mysterious District 13 leader Alma Coin, whom The Mockingjay, Katniss Everdeen, (Jennifer Lawrence) is slow, and reluctant, to trust. Lily Rabe (All Good Things) was then confirmed as the portrayer of Commander Lyme, an incredibly tough former Hunger Games tribute who is now the leader of the Rebellion’s biggest struggle yet: District 2! Yesterday, it was announced that Patina Miller, West End and Broadway star who’s currently impressing critics in the critics in Broadway’s revival of Pippin, would play the trustworthy Commander Paylor of District 8 who attempts to get her wounded people through air strike after air strike.

Thor: The Dark World is fast approaching. It’s nearly one month away now and two posters showcasing the film’s stars, Natalie Portman and Jaimie Alexander, have been released in a series of character banners (excuse the obscure Marvel reference). Portman and Alexander play Jane Foster and Lady Sif respectively and join Anthony Hopkins (Odin) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki) as well as Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Christopher Eccleston (Malekith the Accursed). Like the Catching Fire gallery, remember to click next to cycle through the posters.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is out November 21st

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 is out November 21st 2014

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is out November 20th 2015

Thor: The Dark World is out October 30th

Posters for Thor 2 and RoboCop

Sorry that this post is not of Titanic proportions but I’ve been very busy. The Autumn TV preview special is soon upon us, Scout’s honour, so do not fret.

Joel Kinnaman’s android cop is the subject of the new Robocop reboot. Kinnaman, Samuel L Jackson (Jurassic Park, Deep Blue Sea, Avengers, Star Wars) and Gary Oldman (Harry Potter, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) also starred in the trailer that was unveiled earlier this week. A new Cyclops, as in X-Men, esque poster has arrived of Alex Murphy in his post-accident state where he has been turned into the perfect cyborg cop, built to be efficient in both combat and tactics.

Another pair of Thor 2 posters were released today. In The Dark World posters so far, We’ve already seen Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Christopher Eccleston as Malekith the Accursed. Now, we’ve been given another look at Loki as well as a first look at Anthony Hopkins as the crow surrounded Odin. Here’s the new batch of character banners as well as the ones that have came out in the last week or so.

RoboCop is out February 7th 2014

Thor: The Dark World is out October 30th