New title for Terminator and Batman V Superman shifts release

The fifth instalment of James Cameron’s ailing Terminator franchise is finally kicking into top gear with production now complete but we’re mildly disturbed by the film’s indecision on an official title, a telltale sign of a messy production and lacklustre release. The simple Terminator was the working title but that swiftly morphed into Terminator: Genesis. Recently a new rumour emerged that the title had reverted back to the original Terminator. We’ve now learned of a more worrying title change; on on set teaser image promises the title Terminator: Genisys, a purposeful mispelling of the previous subtitle. The bizarre choice I think would only be explained by perhaps an unrevealed character, or more likely corporation, of that name that’d feature in the film. Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World) directs the cast of Arnold Schwarzenegger (Predator), Jason Clarke (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones, Matt Smith (Doctor Who), Jai Courtney (Jack Reacher) and JK Simmons (Spider-Man).

In today’s other major news, we finally have the results of the greatest game of chicken Marvel and DC have ever played. Earlier this year, both comic book companies adventurously set their flags at the weekend of May 6th 2016 for Captain America 3 and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. At first, most backed the Man of Steel sequel claiming the lack of fan interest but the critical and commercial success of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was drastically underrated, significantly outgrossing MoS.

We’ve now gained the great surprise that DC have cracked and shifted the unpromising Dawn of Justice into a timid March 2016. Zack Snyder directs Ben Affleck (Argo), Hanry Cavill (Immortals), Gal Gadot (Fast and Furious), Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network), Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix), Diane Lane (Unfaithful), Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) and Jeremy Irons (The Lion King) while we’d expect Cap 3 to feature Chris Evans (Snowpiercer), Scarlett Johansson (Her), Anthony Mackie (The Adjustment Bureau), Jeremy Renner (The Town, The Hurt Locker), Cobie Smulders (How I Met Your Mother) and Samuel L Jackson (Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Pulp Fiction) under directors Anthony and Joe Russo (The Winter Soldier).

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – March 25th 2016

Captain America 3 – May 6th 2016

Terminator: Genisys – June 26th 2015

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