Tag Archives: X-Men 4

Kelsey Grammer talks reprising Beast role, Daniel Radcliffe hints at Batman and new images from Guardians

There were worries that, post-Deathly Hallows, the Harry Potter franchise’s titular star Daniel Radcliffe would never by able to become a credible actor in the shadow of his famous role. He’s yet to star in any blockbuster action but he’s building himself up as a genuine star with roles in indie films such as Horns, What If and Kill Your Darlings. He is set to be returning to the land of mainstream with Victor Frankenstein and Tokyo Vice but he’s now hinting at a far bigger gig.

“If they reboot that again, I’ll do that too,” said Radcliffe of the Batman series. “It’s happening, isn’t it? With Ben Affleck. I could be Robin! I’m perfect.” It’s quite likely that the Brit is teasing the media who so often inflate any loose statement from him into a full blown confirmation. Even if this is reliable, Robin is no longer a credible character so an appearance from Nightwing would be more probable. Zack Snyder’s (300, Watchmen, Man of Steel) sequel Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will star Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Amy Adams, Ray Fisher, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Jeremy Irons and Laurence Fishburne.

Looking into the future, only certain projects have been confirmed to be expanding (or X-panding) the X-Men universe. They are Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse (focussing on the First Class graduates of Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Channing Tatum and Hugh Jackman) and James Mangold’s Wolverine 3 as well as the in-development X-Force (Jeff Wadlow), Mystique, Gambit and Deadpool (Tim Miller/Ryan Reynolds). One instalment that fans are beginning to cry out for is a follow up for stars of the original trilogy (Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Daniel Cudmore, Anna Paquin, Ben Foster and Ian McKellen). Golden Globe winner Kelsey Grammer, who brilliantly portrayed Beast/Hank McCoy in the disappointing The Last Stand, has expressed interest in returning. “I hope to do another,” confirms the star. “I hope they find some way to come up with a new story that involves Beast in my timeline.”

Well X-Men, Godzilla, Lego and Cap have been and gone and it’ll be another few months before Interstellar and Hobbit get to fill our screens so right now Guardians of the Galaxy and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes have our attention for this summer. Today, we’re talking about the former as our buddies from the ever-brilliant Empire have unveiled the very first look at Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace – The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Lincoln) flanked by fellow villains Nebula (Karen Gillan – Doctor Who, Oculus) and Korath (Djimon Hounsou – Gladiator, Blood Diamond). James Gunn (Slither, Super) commands the cast of Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, John C Reilly, Benicio Del Toro and Josh Brolin.

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Star Wars 7 unveils Falcon and new concept art from X-Men: Days of Future Past

 X Men: Days of Future Past Concept Art Reveals Future Jubilee

A huge ensemble of mutants feature in Bryan Singer’s new X-Men instalment Days of Future Past: Wolverine, Professor X, Mystique, Magneto, Beast, Quicksilver, Rogue, Havok, Toad, Storm, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Bishop (above), Sunspot, Warpath, Blink, Ink and Colossus to name the ones who wouldn’t give away spoilers. A brand new batch of concept art for the film has now appeared and revealed that Jubilee (a mutant immune to telepathic powers and traditionally Wolverine’s sidekick) was considered to be a part of the film, most likely the future squad, until her exclusion. Maybe we can expect her to turn up in X-Men 4, should that finally happen.

 X Men: Days of Future Past Concept Art Reveals Future Jubilee

JJ Abrams (Star Trek, Into Darkness, Super 8, Felicity, Lost) has finally begun his filming of Star Wars: Episode VII in Abu Dhabi. The various leaked pictures revealed a distinctly Tatooine like setting with various extras but didn’t give any look at the main stars. The new set of pics (fresh from construction on a London sound stage) don’t either but it does confirm the presence of one of the series’ greatest icons. Click here for the full gallery.

Episode VII also stars Domnhall Gleeson (About Time), Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a Slave), Harrison Ford (Blade Runner, Raider of the Lost Ark), Mark Hamill (Batman: Arkham Asylum), Carrie Fisher (When Harry Met Sally), Adam Driver (Tracks), John Boyega (Attack the Block), Daisy Ridley (Scrawl), Oscar Isaac (Inside Llewyn Davis), Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones), Kenny Baker (Labyrinth), Anthony Daniels (The Lord of the Rings), Peter Mayhew (Killer Ink), Max Von Sydow (Minority Report, The Excorcist) and Andy Serkis (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, The Prestige, Rise of the Planet of the Apes).

Star Wars: Episode VII – December 18th 2015

X-Men: Days of Future Past – out now!