Tag Archives: Kelsey Grammer

Marvel double bill: trailers for X-Men: Days of Future Past and Captain America: The Winter Soldier

We promised the Captain America trailer yesterday but another Marvel project has snuck up on us by surprise. They’re both only published in the last three hours but we’re going to start with Captain America. Here’s the trailer before we give you a bit of food for thought.

The first 20 seconds tells us that directors Anthony and Joe Russo are fitting in humour to the fairly serious thriller plot. However, SHIELD’s, and particularly Nick Fury’s, morals will be tested as SHIELD’s phase two (developing Tesseract technology, that of Cap’s sworn enemy known as HYDRA) goes forward. We get a first look at three awesome new characters. Robert Redford plays sinister SHIELD head Alexander Pierce, who could be pretty awesome as long as they don’t make him too sinister (so it’s a shock when he’s the villain) or make him Marvel’s Professor Snape (so it’s a shock when he’s the hero). Anthony Mackie’s an entertaining screen presence so we can rely on him to give a convincing Sam Wilson. While Wilson’s alter-ego The Falcon looks cool physically he’s not visually striking. They could do something similar to the first Iron Man film where they start of with the colourless prototype suit before giving it the ever distinctive red and gold. The Winter Soldier himself looks awesome (the knives and the hand to hand combat making him more like TDKR’s Bane, which is preferable to the shady background string pullers like The Mandarin. His portrayer, Sebastian Stan, needs to make sure that he gets some of Bucky Barnes across otherwise The Winter Soldier is just a mindless robot and the whole thing about him being Cap’s best friend is meaningless.

The returning Avengers are Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) and the titular Captain America (Chris Evans). I love the new darker looks of Cap and Black Widow but Nick Fury is in the same gear as all the other Marvels movies. There’s nothing from Agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), Agent 13 (Emily Van Camp) or Crossbones (Frank Grillo) but a bad trailer is one exposing every inch of the film, looking at you, James Mangold’s The Wolverine! Some ups and downs on the character’s visuals but this should be a fun but engaging reunion with Cap, Fury and the rest of SHIELD.

Only seven seconds of footage are given to us in the new X-Men trailer but director Bryan Singer’s packing a lot in, even if it isn’t remotely anything to do with the plot. Here’s a breakdown of everything we spotted in the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past.

There’s a close up shot of an eye before a cut to protestors waving Vietnam flags at a man getting out of a car (I’m guessing at President Nixon). A lying down Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) screams as a pair of blue hands clasp the sides of his face. Again, I’m guessing but this could be Charles Xavier using his powers to send Wolverine back in time (if that sounds like a real stab in the dark to you it’s because time travel is the centre of the plot of DOFP’s comic-book run). He’s sent from 2014 to the time of President Richard Nixon whose Oval Office is revealed to have a secret circular exit in it’s floor.

Singer then shows off the new awesome suits donned by the tense team up of Professor X, Magneto (Ian McKellen) and Wolverine. Meanwhile, Storm (Halle Berry) is brewing up a storm, the younger Magneto (Michael Fassbender) is flying outside an important looking building and we get a close up of the young Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence – the older Mystique’s portrayer Rebecca Romjin isn’t in this one).

Young Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) yells in agony as he uses Cerebro, the X-Men’s mutant locating device. Shards of ice falls onto a uniformed chap that I can’t quite make out, Wolverine’s punching someone I can’t make out, gangsters are shooting, Mystique is kicking somebody in White House (an assassination attempt on the President?), Beast (Nicholas Hoult – the older Beast, Kelsey Grammer, isn’t in this one) is yelling, another character that I can’t make out is submerged, Mystique is sliding along ground towards angry young Magneto (not happy with her rash decision to try and assassinate the President?) and, finally, old Xavier shielding his face with his left arm.

What’s your thoughts? The most action packed 7 seconds ever? Why give us this, just give us a full trailer? Where’s Kitty (Ellen Page), Rogue (Anna Paquin), Iceman (Shawn Ashmore), Colossus (Danield Cudmore), Quicksilver (Evan Peters), Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage), Havok (Lucas Till) and everyone else Singer promised would be in the movie and, on the subject of Cap America 2, Cap and Black Widow are waiting outside a hospital but who for? Questions will be answered next May (or March for Cap) but, until then, please tell us what you think in the comments.

Thanks for going through the third post of a marathon day. Remember that we’re not posting anything tomorrow but will return on Saturday with our review of Ender’s Game.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – March 28th

X-Men: Days of Future Past – May 22nd 2014