First official look at Superman in Dawn of Justice and Ken Jeong joins Ride Along 2

Out of the ashes of this January/February’s mass-grave of action flops came the surprise box-office hit of cop comedy Ride Along, a film that thrust its lead Kevin Hart into stardom. It saw a younger cop forced to prove himself a worthy husband of a season detective’s (Ice Cube – Boyz n the Hood) sister (Tika Sumpter – Salt). The film was hardly a critical success and hasn’t reached the cult status level of 21 Jump Street but spent three weeks atop the US box-office and gained just over $150 million.

It is now confirmed that Ken Jeong, star of Despicable Me 2 and Transformers: Dark of the Moon but best known as The Hangover trilogy’s Mr Chau, will crop up in Ride Along’s confirmed sequel. It’s unclear what kind of role the comedy star will fill but he’ll be working with the first film’s director Tim Story and stars Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter and Ice Cube.

It’s no secret now that the upcoming superhero action and Man of Steel sequel Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first big piece of the assembling of the Justice League and DC’s new all-encompassing film franchise. The Batman reveal came earlier this year and now its time for Supes to get his big reveal. Not to much has changed about the design since 2013’s reimagining but it’s still immensely exciting to see. There’s also new in that a pair of roles have been announced. Holly Hunter (The Incredibles, The Piano) will play a US Senator while Tao Okamoto (The Wolverine) is Lex Luthor’s PA Mercy Graves.

Zack Snyder (Man of Steel, Watchmen, 300) directs the cast of Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Jesse Eisenberg, Tao Okamoto, Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter, Scoot McNairy, Diane Lane, Jeremy Irons and Laurence Fishburne.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – April 29th 2016

Ride Along 2 – January 15th 2016

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