Posters for Thor 2 and RoboCop

Sorry that this post is not of Titanic proportions but I’ve been very busy. The Autumn TV preview special is soon upon us, Scout’s honour, so do not fret.

Joel Kinnaman’s android cop is the subject of the new Robocop reboot. Kinnaman, Samuel L Jackson (Jurassic Park, Deep Blue Sea, Avengers, Star Wars) and Gary Oldman (Harry Potter, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) also starred in the trailer that was unveiled earlier this week. A new Cyclops, as in X-Men, esque poster has arrived of Alex Murphy in his post-accident state where he has been turned into the perfect cyborg cop, built to be efficient in both combat and tactics.

Another pair of Thor 2 posters were released today. In The Dark World posters so far, We’ve already seen Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Christopher Eccleston as Malekith the Accursed. Now, we’ve been given another look at Loki as well as a first look at Anthony Hopkins as the crow surrounded Odin. Here’s the new batch of character banners as well as the ones that have came out in the last week or so.

RoboCop is out February 7th 2014

Thor: The Dark World is out October 30th

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