Jurassic World announced and Mortal Instruments 2 and Pirates 5 delayed

You can see our review of the average teen fantasy The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones here! The frostily received film only grossed $65 million off an $60 million budget meaning next year’s sequel, City of Ashes, may no longer be on the cards.

We may be overreacting but the negative response has prompted a rethink and, ultimately, a big delay. A statement claimed that the studios needed to “analyse the results to date and reposition the franchise in order to maximize the results for future instalments.” returning director Harold Zwart is hopeful that he’ll shoot the film before the end of this year but should any more problems occur the film may miss it’s 2014 slot; meaning it could either suffer terribly in 2015 (due to Bond 24, Hunger Games 3, Jurassic Park 4, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Batman vs. Superman and a minor space opera project called Star Wars: Episode VII) or schedule for 2016 (which is already stocking up with James Cameron’s Avatar 2, Rupert Wyatt’s Star Trek 3, The Amazing Spiderman 3 and Angry Birds) which could result in a loss of interest or a big fan base (indeed Twilight and The Hungers did/are planning to release films one year after another.

Their plans for a sequel (with Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bowyer and a new villain in the form of Alien and Avatar’s Sigourney Weaver), and a prequel series The Infernal Devices, may be delayed for quite a bit if studios don’t give City of Bones a fresh think.

Another delayed project is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. The fifth instalment in the Johnny Depp epic fantasy series will be directed by Norwegian duo Espen Sandberg and Joachim Ronning. Disney have been juggling the release dates of their 2015 projects. Pirates was running against the legendary studios’ sci-fi reboot Star Wars: Episode VII, Pixar animations Inside Out and Finding Dory and Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. After Ant-Man was switched from November to July and Star Wars from Summer to Christmas, Dead Men won’t be telling any tales until 2016 at least.

Finally we’ve got some pretty big news from Universal and Amblin studios. Colin Trevorrow’s directing follow-up to Safety Not Guaranteed is the fourth instalment in the Jurassic Park franchise and, today, we got a release date and a title. Jurassic World will come out July 12th 2013.

What’s your first impression of Jurassic World? Is the incredibly cheesy title putting you off? Please tell us in the comments!

The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes could be out 2014

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is out Summer 2016

Jurassic World is out July 12th 2015

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